The Empowerment Couple

Unlocking the Power of Frequency: Quantum Healing with Krisiey Salsa and the Healy Device

Zuri Star & Mikey Star, Krisiey Salsa Season 5 Episode 1

Embark with us on an enthralling expedition into the healing arts as Krisiey Salsa, the quantum alignment coach, ignites a conversation on the symbiosis of frequency therapy, microcurrent healing, scalar healing and quantum healing.  
Learn more about the Healy device and join us in this healing journey. Buy a Healy here
In today's show, we peel back the layers of history to reveal the 1930s roots of frequency therapy and the pivotal role of cellular voltage in health, while opening the door to the enigmatic world of quantum healing, where shifts at the minutest level can lead to profound changes in our overall well-being. The Healy device stands at the vanguard of this revolution, and with Krisiey's expertise, we unlock the secrets of this FDA-cleared marvel, elevating self-care to the forefront of modern healthcare practice.
Feel the electric charge as we liken the Healy device to a charger for the human body, with its anti-aging prowess and rejuvenating effects on stem cell regeneration. We share firsthand experiences of the device's transformative power, from enhancing vitality to detoxifying the body, and delve into the art of aligning frequencies with personal intentions for rapid transformation. Krisiey's anecdotes provide a vivid testament to the device's capabilities, encouraging us to harness our inner energy and become active participants in our healing journey.
As we draw the curtain on this episode, we share the vision of integrating a Healy device into every home, empowering individuals to tap into their inherent potential. We reflect on the shift in collective consciousness, the rise of ancient healing modalities, and the awe-inspiring possibilities of using Healy's frequency technology to enhance even the vibrational quality of water. We celebrate the empowerment of self-healing, personal development, and the unfolding story of wellness that we each hold the pen to. Join us and Krisiey Salsa in this transformative dialogue that promises to leave you inspired, empowered, and a step closer to realizing your full potential.

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I work for booty slaps. I mess up so that I get slapped on the ass.


A little love tap.


A little add-a-girl. A little, there you go honey, I'm so wrong, so so wrong. Welcome to the Empowerment Couple podcast, where your path to self-mastery expands.


My co-host is empowerment coach Zuri Starr.


And he's expansion coach Mikey Starr.


Together, we are the.


Empowerment. Couple Expression is simple to serve you, love, so you can make informed decisions to regain and maintain your personal power.


We'll take you on a journey to a life filled with purpose, passion and limitless possibilities, while sharing stories of transformation, wellness hacks and healthy habits backed by science and ancient wisdom.


Plus, we'll keep you entertained with engaging games, banter and funny innuendos along the way.


Each episode is an exciting blend of education, entertainment and empowerment.


We're going to help you create a mindset to be a magnet for more love, happiness and abundance.


Together with our special guests. We are dedicated to sharing information that empowers you to co-create your most beautiful life.


So if you're ready to embrace the power within, hit that subscribe button and let's embark on this empowering journey together. Well, today we're going to talk about healing, some healing therapies, with our guest, chrissy Salsa. The modalities we will discuss are frequency, microcurrent and quantum healing.


Frequency, microcurrent and quantum healing. So small stuff, right.


Yeah, just like little tiny. You know inconsequential therapies.


Well, crazy thing is that frequency therapy has been around since the 1930s and scientists discovered that they could destroy disease, causing microorganisms with the same frequency they emitted. Right, it's kind of like snakes you know the snake venom and for decades scientists and practitioners have researched frequency and its effect on the body. A healthy body operates at a frequency from 62 to 72 megahertz, and when this frequency drops below this range, the body becomes susceptible to illness, injury and disease.


Yeah, so frequency works in the body to transport matter within and between the cells. The difference between the voltage inside the cell and the voltage between the cells is responsible for healthy cell metabolism. So when you have something that is going to carry frequency, it will carry electricity into the body to return the voltage of the cell to a healthy level. This is why frequencies can be applied to the body for many purposes. And then the third modality we're talking about is quantum healing. Quantum healing is a unique approach within the realm of alternative medicine. It's centered on the belief that healing can be achieved by making shifts at the quantum level, the smallest and most fundamental scale of energy and matter in the universe.


The crazy thing about this whole thing is, you know we're talking about these new modalities. Frequency healing has been around for ages. It's just now coming into the mainstream.


It's just been studied since the 1930s in this country. So if you are in China or you're in India, you're like this should I knew homie.




But we, you know our aiming to cite as many scientific references and when it comes to science, it's not that old you know, because this country is new and then, therefore, those of you that like science will like this. Those of you that you know know like these things exist prior to you know, like you know, we're all speaking the same language, but we're aiming to speak as many languages as possible for you to get the information you need to get. This concept of quantum healing suggests that alterations in our energy field can directly influence our physical, mental and spiritual well-being.


And, at its core, quantum healing is not just a you know, a medical or a healing practice. It's a confluence of various disciplines right. It draws inspiration and ideas from fields as diverse as quantum mechanics, psychology, philosophy and even neurophysiology. Like, this, blend of knowledge from different spheres aims to provide a more holistic understanding of health and healing.


So the crazy thing is that all three of these modalities are combined and available now in one of our favorite new affiliate products, and we are super excited to talk about it. It's called the Healy, so you want to talk about the Healy with me?


Oh, my goodness. Yes, so Healy is an FDA-clear device and it is in use in 42 countries by more than 2000 doctors and healing practitioners. The device improves the body's cellular, emotional and energetic levels to activate self-healing and optimize balance. Yes, healy is also individualized microcurrent frequency, also known as IMF programs, to harmonize your bio-energetic field for many essential areas in your life.


Healy interacts with your body via electrodes worn on the wrist, ears or adhesive electrodes over pain or spasm areas, and it also works remotely, using quantum healing. The device supplies individualized microcurrents to the body, improving cellular communication and promoting repair, reducing inflammation and increasing energy production of the cells and tissues of the body. Microcurrent therapy has been used in a clinical setting for many years and its origin dates back a few centuries ago, when an electrostatically charged leaf was used to treat skin conditions such as skin lesions and skin ulcers. What yeah and Healy has over 200 therapies and it works in all areas of health emotional, subconscious, mind, body, spirit. The individualized microcurrent frequencies have been found to increase cell membrane voltage, thus improving the health and life cycle of the cell. Increase ATP production is up 500% with microcurrent via the mitochondria. Increase protein synthesis up by 70% within the DNA of our cells. Increase amino acid transport the building blocks of protein synthesis by up to 40%. Later in the show we're going to play a game with the Healy and look for things it can and cannot heal.


Yeah, but what's crazy is that we are now in an age where that type of healing is made possible.


Right and the technology in this country is oftentimes rejected, but that's why we're pointing out that it's being used all over the world and by doctors, by healthcare practitioners, and it's rather new in this country and that's why we're excited to bring it to you today. Our guest expert today is really going to tell us all about the Healy, because she's been a year deep in this healing cycle with this device, and Mike and I are rather new. Let's introduce Chrissy Salsa. She is a quantum alignment coach and dedicated wellness advocate. Chrissy seamlessly merges ancient wisdom and cutting edge technologies to craft a holistic approach to wellbeing. Her mastery shines through a profound commitment to Kundalini yoga, reiki healing and the transformative application of Healy frequency technology.


In a role as a heart centered spiritual guide, Chrissy becomes a beacon of empowerment, guiding individuals to uncover their conscious and subconscious beliefs and their unique paths to wellness. With a passion for holistic practices, natural remedies and authentic nutritional awareness, she not only shares knowledge but catalyzes the empowerment of those seeking a life enriched by true holistic well being.


So today you're going to be tuning in to absorb the wisdom of really a true master, as Chrissy takes you on a transformative journey towards self discovery and empowered living. You're in the presence of a guide whose mastery illuminates your path to holistic empowerment.


So wonderfully said.


We are going to dive right in here, chrissy, what's up? Welcome to the Empowerment Couple Podcast. We have an amazing guest here today we just told you all about. We're going to dive right into the interview. Okay, so Mikey's going to take our first question with Chrissy.


Oh, my goodness, the questions that I have are they are questions that originated after using Healy right? So once I actually got a chance to put Healy to you, so I was like, oh my God, I have so many more questions. So first question for you so we live in a world where we're loaded with tools to help us. We have hammers, we have spatulas, cars, fingernail clippers. There's a tool for this, tool for that. My question for you is what kind of tool would you categorize Healy as?

Krisiey Salsa:

Healy is a tool for your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical well-being, like it covers everything, and I heard someone say this and it really resonated with me, like we're moving into a time now where self-care is the new health care. All about how can you have agency over yourself and how can you take the reins of your own health, and not just your physical health, because, yes, we have a body, but there's so much more to us than just this physical body that is connected to our overall health and vitality that we're living, you know, day to day. So it is for every single person. It's like, I think, to understand the Healy, you have to sort of understand and wrap your mind around the quantum field, right, and this is not like woo, it's not just, you know, floating out. There is some kind of woo thing. No, quantum entanglement won a Nobel Prize in 2022.


And it's not new information. It's new information to us. Correct Information has been there forever.

Krisiey Salsa:

Absolutely, and it's like it's just now becoming more and more available and it resonates with some of us very, very deeply and others it might take a little more convincing, a little more testing of, you know, actually experimenting with it, Like you're saying, oh, that's shit's different. Like, what did you notice the first time? Like for you, Mikey, did you have anything that was like you noticed right away, or was it more of like a slow burn?


Okay. So I like to speak in an analogy. So here's the analogy that I have. Right, I, after doing Healy for I did Healy for four days straight, the gold cycle and it was the equivalent of afterwards checking, you know, pulling out my keychain and having like a couple of extra keys there that I've never seen before, like whoa, I could do these now, I guess like keys to a, to an extra room in my house or to an extra vehicle, or, in actuality it's more so, a key to an awareness. You know, a little bit more awareness, a little more insight. Like, oh, that's how that works. You know, you can catch patterns, mental patterns, so much more easier when you have that extra little bit of elevation. So it's like taking a couple steps up a long ladder and I'm saying a long ladder, but that extra couple steps give you that, gives you that extra perspective. You're like, oh, oh, okay, now I can make some better decisions based on more information. So that's what I got from Healy's more information.


So, yeah, I feel like the whole ladder thing. For me it was like going down, it was like let me see what's in here that I can't find, like by through meditation, or like. For me it was like a tool to go even deeper into. You know, the depths of things that I didn't know, especially the blue app. What is the blue app called? It's the whatever. The blue app, the advisor.

Krisiey Salsa:

I always call it the blue wave and the pink wave, like I don't even pay attention to the name because I just work in visuals. But yeah, the blue wave.


When I really got into the blue wave app of Healy and, looking at like the quantum, I was like oh wow, like I, there's stuff here that I was not even aware of, and that was true. And so I was like, oh yeah, like 100%, but I didn't realize that that was like hiding in my subconscious, I didn't realize that I was basically vibrating that out, but not knowing that I was doing that. And just the awareness. It was nice to be validated that I knew something was off, but I didn't have the validation to say like what is it? You know, like what is actually happening, and not just in the physical body but in like the, just the way that I felt like there's a little bit of like something that I couldn't clean off of my spirit.

Krisiey Salsa:

Right, because it's living in your biofield, the biofield of you, right, and when we're in the quantum, it used to be called like the Akashic. But when we're in the, when we're in the quantum field, we're in everything that's ever been Okay, it's like everything that's ever been possible, everything that's happened. So it's it's all there. And then we have our bio energetic field, which is everything that's happened to us in this lifetime, in this body, all the good, all the bad, all the trauma, all the amazing thoughts, all the bad thoughts, all the subconscious thoughts, all the unconscious. You know, it's like the conscious and the unconscious. It's every single thing is there and we're aware of so much. But then we also aren't, because what are the ancestral things that are passed down to us? What are patterns that we've picked up along the way? What are the deep, deep seated fears, longings, beliefs, all of these things they live in the field, they live in your field, and so that's the really amazing thing is that that's the. That is the big, the big game changer with the Healy. It does.

Krisiey Salsa:

No other frequency device has the capability that the Healy does with the quantum sensor, because the quantum sensor has the ability to scan your bio energetic field and give back to you a report that says this is where you are out of alignment. Out of alignment. This is where you could use extra support, and we do that by attaching specific information to you. We pull very specific information in your profile your name in this lifetime, your gender, your birth date, where you live. You know all these things that tie you to the only person on this planet that could be you. Through the quantum field. We're able to connect those frequencies to you because you can do this at a distance. That's one of the amazing things. You can use it at a distance, which is what I love to do in coaching, because when you're, this takes coaching to a whole nother level.


Oh yeah, 100%. I started using it just this last week with clients and I'm like, okay, from this time to this time I'm going to send you some vibrations, is what I was letting them know like the frequency, and I explained it to them and I was like, just get some more comfortable and tune into these things, and then gave them that and they're like, oh my gosh, like I really felt that. I'm like I know.

Krisiey Salsa:

I heard some of it too. I know it's amazing. It is so mind blowing Like I've had my healing now since it's been a little over a year, yeah, and when I first got it it blew my mind in, like you know, it was a very obvious ways that that some things, some very specific things, happened for me. But it's like your top three.


Top three things that happened.

Krisiey Salsa:

Oh, my house. I have dealt with some chronic health stuff I have. I had found out I had Hashimoto's and in 2010 and hypothyroidism, and I was able to take care of the Hashimoto's with modifying my diet, but my thyroid has always. It's just struggled off and on, like no matter what I would try, what I would do. I've gone on and off thyroid medication, I've done different cleanses, I've done different energy work. I mean, you know, I've tried, I've tried it all and it always kind of just hovers my.

Krisiey Salsa:

For anyone who's in the thyroid world with me, you know it's like T. My TSH would hover right in the two range, which is not awful, but it's not ideal for me. And so every year I take my labs, I have my labs done, we assess where I'm at, is everything good? And so I got my Healy in December of 2022. And then I had my labs done in January of 2023. And so I had been working with Healy for about a month, been about a month. I think I got I think it was at the end of January when I did my labs, my labs back, and my TSH was at 0.6. And it has never, ever been that low ever. That is the optimal range for me and I could feel it, like I could feel the energy that I had back. I could feel like more fire, more like focus, and I was like I didn't know how, like I could feel it in my body, but I didn't know if it was going to translate into like my actual labs.

Krisiey Salsa:

But the reason, I think, is because it's like we charge our cell phones every single day, right, do we charge our bodies?

Krisiey Salsa:

No, and most of us it's because we don't, we don't know how, right, like we, we have this technology now where, if you're using the microcurrent, which is what you know I have on right now, this is going directly into your body and it is charging your cells and your cells are like the batteries, okay, and and the the cell voltage has been measured and recorded as negative 70 millivolts is the optimal, is the optimal range of like a healthy, vibrant cell. And as we age and you know, we're bombarded with the various things that you know. Without going into all those things, right, right, which we, you know I'm sure your audience is well aware of that voltage decreases, right, and ultimately, when we die, our voltage is zero, but, but when you charge yourself up with the Healy, you are increasing the cellular voltage in your body On top of that, like Healy is the anti-aging queen, I mean if, on top of increasing your cellular voltage, we also have stem cell regeneration programs within the Healy.

Krisiey Salsa:

Those are in the bio energetic programs, vitalization programs, so together it's like such a powerhouse and I really believe that's. That's why I saw such a difference in my body, in my because the thyroid is really one of the measurements of the energy we have in our body, and so that was why I think I got, I saw, such a big shift with that. It was, it was crazy, a crazy change I felt in myself. The other big thing that I noticed is skin issues. Skin issues, like I mean personally, my daughter has struggled with acne and I'm talking like you know, I didn't really have that when I was in my teens, but I mean, of course we all know someone who has, or if we haven't, personally experienced it, and it's just like it's so hard on. You know, I know if I have a zit on my face, like I'm not really thrilled to be like on video or going out in public, and I'm like dabbing it up.

Krisiey Salsa:

And we had tried like everything with her, for her got the gut health and changing the diet and you know all the things, but nothing was really helping. And so we got to this place finally where she was like, okay, you know, like what else can I do? And I'm like, let's try the Healy. So you have to be consistent and you need to run two programs a day, and I told her the programs to run and one was Pure, which Pure is an amazing program that helps your body be ready, your lungs and your kidneys specifically to detox. It opens up detox pathways.

Krisiey Salsa:

And then I had to run skin impurities, which, of course, is very specific to the skin, and I'll share actually the picture with you guys and maybe you guys can link it up here, but I have a picture of her in three months from where she started to where it went and the. We also have a. There's a Facebook group, which I'll also send you a link for, which is like there's over 80,000 people in there sharing their stories about all the different ways it's helped them and you will find a plethora of skin, of skin issues that people had, from eczema to I mean just goes down the line.



Krisiey Salsa:

Yeah. So I would say the skin, like you know, the skin that was the biggest, one of the biggest changes I saw, like could actually see with the eyes right, because a lot of the changes that people might notice are going to be more internal.


Subtle yeah.

Krisiey Salsa:

Yeah, there's a subtlety to it. But the piece also that Zuri was talking about with like how this ladder of going down deep right into these things that were there that you're not really sure about, that's really that's really fascinating. And I think that is where the coach analysis on the Healy really shines. And I heard somebody describe what happens when you're vibrating these frequencies out to yourself as like an ATM making deposits into your bio energetic field. Right, we have all these thoughts and all these thoughts and ideas positive, negative, all these things floating around. This is like just keeps depositing all of these positives, all positive vibration, positive affirmations into your field.

Krisiey Salsa:

That's that began over time to influence your overall right.


Yeah, and as far as like benefits, we've talked a lot about quantum, but have one of you noticed on the quantum level, like programs that you run, or like Alice may be an example of what you've experienced with that, because you've been a year into it, mike and I have been months into it, it's more like a couple weeks into it and we already noticed the differences. I feel like you have a child who is not going to be susceptible especially teenagers sometimes to like dive into this stuff. I feel like you know there's so much proof of what it does when you connect these electrodes like that makes a lot of sense. And or quantum, what has been your experience?

Krisiey Salsa:

Well, when we're talking about the quantum, I mean we're really talking, like we said, more about the subtle. It's not through the microcurrents, it's through the frequencies were vibrating out into the field that start to influence that. You know, those things around us and the one thing that happened very quickly when I got my healing that. So I bought it at the end of November and got it like less than a week later and I was working with the Sun Calpa, which is you know. It was basically like the essence of what I wanted to bring into my life and at that time the Sun Calpa I was using was it is safe for me to show up in the world and speak my truth, yeah, yeah. So I put that into the coach and I ran a scan on myself and it came back with a big report of all the things and I vibrated those frequencies out to myself and within three days you had called me, yeah, and you were like hey, what are you up to? You want to be on the podcast?


And I was like huh.

Krisiey Salsa:

Yeah, you want to come beyond the podcast? I mean, I know you're always into something, so like why don't you come beyond the podcast and we'll just let's chat about it? And I was like Holy shit, you know. And in that moment I'm like I don't know if I want to go on and talk about anything like. But that's what I put out, right. It was like I am ready, I want to show up and use my voice, and so here's the opportunity to you. You want to go do that? Yeah.


And I'm showing up like a ton online. I've never seen you and I know that you and I worked through some things that you were like having resistance about. But, like you obviously work through them with the healing right.

Krisiey Salsa:

Yeah, I mean your coach, essentially, absolutely. I mean I am I'm a pretty private person and I don't typically get on and share very much and I didn't even have the intention of doing the business side of Healy Like I just got the Healy for my own personal growth. I mean, I've been into on this healing journey for, you know, a long time now and so I'm always game to try anything. I'm sure I'll try it. Sure, throw that this way, yeah. But I mean the things they. There were just so many shifts that happened so quickly that I was like damn I I want to share about this and I want to get this into the hands of more people who feel the same resonance that I did with it, because this is a freaking game changer.



Krisiey Salsa:

So that was. That was just sort of how I yeah, I launched into it.


And that first conversation you were just like a different person is how I was experiencing you and I've known you since we were kids. So I was like whoa, I'm like this is like a real thing, but I didn't get it. I'm going to be honest and that's why we do we're doing kind of a follow up show, because I'm like I didn't get it. I, I, I understand everything and I have a bunch of devices. Boy, we have like devices.

Krisiey Salsa:

We are the device family.


Our devices have devices.


I was like, listen, we got devices but I didn't get it because you were like a month into it and I was like what? And I'm like, but I saw such a difference in you. I was like, oh well, like I know, chrissy, and I'm seeing such a, she's so lit up, she's so like that's the. That's the thing that I noticed was different right away. You're just like lit and I and I could feel it Like you know we're, you're on the other side of the country from us and I could feel it. I was like, oh shit.


Like it's. It's the all caps. It's the all caps, chrissy.

Krisiey Salsa:

We're in Tangle, we're in. We have a conference program.


And I went through some health challenges and Chrissy's like girl, I'm just going to send you one, I'm just going to send you one, you're going to try this out. And then instantly, like, I noticed a difference. But I wasn't using the blue app, which is the app for quantum, I was using just the pink and I was sometimes using the coil, mostly using the electrodes, but I also think I wasn't using it totally effectively after I started learning and like diving in, it's a rabbit hole, yeah.

Krisiey Salsa:

There's so much and the thing is you don't have to know all the things. Like, do I know way more now than I did when I started? Absolutely? Was I still getting all the benefits from it when I first started? Absolutely? So it's like you. It's like anything you learn as you go and we have an amazing community that has so many opportunities to learn and really steep yourself in whatever is calling to you, and we have support in that area. Like I have to decide where I want to spend my time that week because there's so many different. I can go down to really deepen my knowledge, which I love. Like I love geeking out on this shit. It's amazing and exactly what you're saying too. I have so many friends from who've helped their kids with dyslexia, who've been going through periominopause and hot flashes and headaches, who've, like, found a relief in this. Like it is a medical device that's been approved in the EU as a medical device. It's been approved in other countries too.

Krisiey Salsa:

In the United States it's only cleared, but you know we all know why, and it's like it's used as a medical device to treat things like fibromyalgia and depression and anxiety and pain relief.


I can attest to pain relief more certainly.


Yeah, so I started putting in a Mikey because he heard his shoulder this summer and I was just like and he was just out like he couldn't do anything. Of course, when you're in a partnership, that's really complex for us as business owners, but also just like running the household and parenting, co-parenting but I would put pain, you know. I'd put the electrodes on his shoulder, where he had the pain, and I would just run it for like 20 minutes and he was like I feel so much better.


That was my buy-in.


We were paying specialists like $250. A pop A pop for like a half hour session to do like dry needling and I practice word dry needling, cupping, taping I mean we were doing all the things. So it wasn't for lack of like, not knowing the other healing modalities, but this made a really big difference.


Oh yeah, and he uses it now more to continue healing because he's like 99% healed. But he's also using it for prevention. Like he drives, you know, like if we go into Boston or something or a longer road trip, he's like, oh, my shoulder is like tense from just like holding the wheel and you know we'll put it on him and he's like, oh my God, I feel so much better. And it just takes that two hour drive off.


Yeah just instantly.




And that's just on the body side. Like you know, soon as I started meditating with it, I was like whoa, yeah, it's like meditating, but you get to meditate on like a flying carpet. It's like whoa, and you can just like jam through your subconscious and see different terrain. You're like, oh my God, yeah, like how was this possible?


Yeah, and so using, like some of the blue wave quantum. What I will say is that, like I've sent Chrissy screen grabs and I'm like girl, am I dying? What's wrong with me Because it'll ebb and flow, like whatever I've got going on, like just this last week. I'll share an experience that we were gunning it, both of us were gunning it, and so like one of the days I was like I didn't get good sleep.


Something happened and I think we had a windstorm or whatever. Whatever I woke up and tired and I knew I had like a good 10 hour, like hustle day, and so it was like, okay, how am I gonna get through this? And I just started running frequencies in the morning and I just, all you know, alternated between, you know, the blue wave and the pink wave, one being, you know the electrodes and working on the body and the other being, you know, working on the field once in field, and I just felt I just had so much energy, like at 11 o'clock, mike's, like you gotta go to bed, like what are you doing? Like you realize you're supposed to be in bed right now and you're still at your computer.


I was jamming and I was like, okay, that got me through what I didn't think I was gonna get through. And normally, like if that kind of thing happened, I would have been like, okay, I need coffee, and I would have tried to like work out a bunch, to like build, you know, energy. I just would have tried a bunch of things and probably not really got as much done as I was supposed to as a business owner and I, I just jammed through it like oh my god, it's amazing there there are so many things that I mean it's like a manifestation tool.

Krisiey Salsa:

What do you want in your life? Let me show, and then you put that in and it's gonna show you where are you blocking yourself and start making profits into your field of how you can get there. If you run retreats, you can pool the frequency you can. You can record the vibration of the entire group and send out those vibrations afterwards to the entire group, like it works with your pets, like there is really. You can get as creative as you want. I know someone who took a hundred dollar bill, took the, as I put it in as a client in the healing, recorded the vibration and started running that in her healing as like vibrating that frequency out to herself okay, and then we'll have prosperity in her life, like it's really it's.

Krisiey Salsa:

It's as limitless as you can be creative, like there are so many ways that it can support you, not just in the physical, you know, not just in the physical but, like I said, the emotional, the spiritual, the mental yeah, yeah, it really has like a thought-provoking advice for me too, because, um a lot of times, as a coach, you leave a session and you're just like is that my like?


is that my?


energy or like you carry people's energy with you, especially if you're like you know, I'm like intuitive coaching, so I'm like downloading ideas for them and I'm like okay and like, and then I have to like shake that off, I have to like do something to get rid of it, and now I'm finding like I could just put the healing on and I'm just like, okay, let me get back to myself and it's helping me do that and be inquisitive about how I can be a better coach to myself, how I can be a better like. It's just more awareness I have so much more I feel like it's sharpened my intuition.

Krisiey Salsa:

Yeah, like it's. It's much more clear to me what's mine and what someone else's and I'm. I'm much more solid in um, the knowingness of like, oh, okay, yes, that's definitive. This is the direction and and the coach, the coaching analysis, like using it in your coaching practice is such a game changer. Like to help your, to help your clients get to their deep, subconscious, limiting beliefs, the things that are deeply holding them back that they may not even be aware of.


Like it is a absolute game changer and it's not for people who, I would say, though, are not self-aware, because if you do that app and you look at it and you're just like what?

Krisiey Salsa:

not for the faint of heart, for sure, you definitely have to be open.


Yeah, you have to be open and you have to be able to like okay, maybe that isn't exactly like true for me, but maybe journal on it and figure out if there's anything that you might not be suppressing. Or, like you know, like I found it to be very like, um, I would say, like I know myself really well and I've done so much deep work, but there were things that I was like what really me? Like, oh, okay, I'm like, oh, I can see how this is that. And like I've expressed to you, you know, off of the podcast, but I've expressed to you like, oh, yeah, I had a whole day of crying because apparently this thing isn't clear yet. Like I didn't know that and I felt fucking amazing afterwards like crying is medicine, um, but I didn't know, like I just I thought I was good. No, the thing with work, you know, self-feeling, is that you, you know you do the work, but you have to continue to do the work. It's not like once, one and done.

Krisiey Salsa:

Unfortunately, yeah, all right and go ahead, mikey well, the uh.


A couple things came to mind as you, as you were talking about that, you know I was um, I was thinking about what life would be like had I got the Healy, say my 20s, 30s, right before some of the avalanche of, of um, you know old patterns and you know old beliefs really started to railroad and started to pick up some steam and generate some different negative movement in my life. Right, so you know, I hear you talking about your daughter and you know she, she, she touched Healy and it's giving her some, some, some benefits for her, for acne, but imagine what, like what her life would be like from this point forward. Right, is she going to see Healy as a key and be like, oh my god, like this will unlock my better self? And then, once I unlock my better self, then I can again unlock my better self and unlock my better self and because we are, we're infinite right, we can, we can, we can infinitely expand. And you know, going back to that first question, um, or the second question, I think you know the type of tool it is as a key.


You don't have to unlock yourself when you are hurt. You don't have to unlock yourself when you're sick, you can do it. When you are healthy, you can do it. When you're happy, you can do it when everything is going your way, so that when you, when opposition does come, you're not railroaded right, you have a stronger base to uh to to stand on. So when that huge tidal wave of, you know, grief, uh, loss of loved ones, you know all these things that that life just throws at us, we're going to be able to handle it from our better self, from our higher self, from our our balanced self, versus getting, you know, beat up and then barely coming out of alive and be like oh, now I need the healing, you know, now I need to heal. Uh, you know, start healing when you don't need to heal. Right, because you, you know, because because then you get the expansion, then you get the, you get to grow in the in the positive direction. You don't have to make up time.

Krisiey Salsa:

Yeah, you were creating time yes, awesome, and, as as a mother, one of the really amazing ways you can use the healing is to put your children in as a client and you can, you can, uh, run frequencies to them and vibrations to them when they're going through things. Yeah, yeah, to help strengthen the things that you see. That, um, they could use extra support in tell us.


Was it difficult when I mean, I kind of know the answer, but was it difficult for you to add healing to your daily life.

Krisiey Salsa:

No, in fact, um, I just had such a strong pull to it. Um, I would say one of my weaknesses in general is consistency, but I have had absolutely no issue staying consistent with healing.


I wonder why.

Krisiey Salsa:

I mean, I have found my own rhythm with it and there have been times where I've taken a break, but it's been my choice, not my yeah, right, yeah, and I. I run it in the mornings, typically when I wake up. So it's recommended to run two to three microcurrent programs a day. You can run less than that, but you, if you want to see any kind of change, you really need to at least be running two to three a week and you know you need to feel into that energetically as to what works for you.

Krisiey Salsa:

But in the beginning I didn't really know that and I was running like as many microcurrent programs as I wanted. I just like, oh my god, this is amazing. I'm just, I'm just gonna do more and more and more. And then I hit like a fizzle point where I was like, oh my god, I'm exhausted. I was like I need to back off a little bit. So two to three microcurrent programs now, if you're, if you're using the coil. Coil uses a different technology to deliver the frequencies and it's using more of the scalar waves which is impacting more of the field around you, like your bio energetic field yeah yeah, going directly into the body, but it's more.

Krisiey Salsa:

It's great that I use that sometimes for emotional issues, if I have more emotional stuff going on, but I typically my my go-to is the microcurrent that's. That's the secret sauce, I think you know what?


the? The thought just came into mind with the, the Healy coil, I'm gonna start charging my water.

Krisiey Salsa:

Yes, you can.


That would be a dope idea because of what's for all water? Like as we ingest water, why don't we ingest high vibrating water?

Krisiey Salsa:

I think you can also put the sticky pads onto like a water bottle and put the frequencies directly in. Really, but you can also the MAG HEALY, you can. There are water activation programs in here, specifically for water.


Here we go.

Krisiey Salsa:

And I mean we're moving like I know we talked about this about Pluto moving into Aquarius now, and I am by no means a miscrologer, but I do know that it is like times are shifting, like legit shifting, and we're moving from an era of manipulation, like true, effing manipulation, into transparency, like the collective transparency, and more about what the people want.


Yeah, it is a dawning of the age of Aquarius.


I'm just not gonna be part of that conversation. That's like, oh, that's so woo-woo and like dumbing it down. I think, like the goal is for our, you know, empowered posse is to empower them with as much information as possible so that they aren't walking around with blindfolds on like, oh, like I have to do this if I want to have money, I have to do this if I want to have, you know, good health, and it's like usually the opposite. It's often the opposite, and I think that we are coming to such an awareness now in humanity that we don't need to call it woo. It's like, oh, no, it's fucking true, it's true, it's true, it's true woo.




It's true woo-woo. Okay, I'll woo, but just try it. Okay, you're gonna be fine. Good, so I'm here for it. If you had to, if you had to suggest, like, who needs to own a Healy device, who would be on that list?

Krisiey Salsa:

You already know my answer to that girl Every freaking body.



Krisiey Salsa:

Everyone. Everyone could use one Mm-hmm. Will everyone get one? I don't know. The goal is to get a Healy in every home I can.


I would go so far as to say that everyone needs one. Everyone needs that key so that they can actually connect with who they are and get what they want right Be who they want, vibrate who they want. And until that happens, there are gonna be a lot of sheep out there. There are gonna be a lot of people who are just following orders and doing what the doctor says, and this and this and that, and they're gonna have that experience, yeah.


It's just programming.




That was the whole point of starting a podcast. It's to awaken people to their own healing ability and so that they could have programming that wasn't just what's paid for by pharma or some of the other ways that people are looking to heal their bodies. It's like is that really gonna heal your body or are you going to be worse off in five years?

Krisiey Salsa:

Did these ideas of how to heal have been around for so long? I mean acupuncture, like however long ago that originated, and with Chinese medicine is like they knew there was something with the meridians and the channels in the body to activate healing, right, and yes, and homeopathy, which homeopathy was like the medicine that was used up until 1930s, when, before Rockefeller got into the mix and started funding the schools, the medical schools, and said homeopathy had to be kicked out and they went straight pharmaceutical and all the medical schools did that. And so what we have is a loss of information transmitted to the next generation. What we get to do now is re-inform, we get to re-offer it out as like there is not just one way in, there never has been, but it might be all you know and you just to open your mind a little bit to understand.


Yep, just unlock, just a touch. Let a little bit of light in Help you okay.


Let Healy help you. You need Healy even more.


There we go.


Well, we are going to close this interview by just asking you to tell us how people could find you and we wanna make sure that we amplify your voice and we thank you so much for being a part of our show and really we really just loving in your presence and holding space with you. We are all running a coherence right now together and it's been beautiful, so thank you for taking the time to be here.

Krisiey Salsa:

Yes, thank you, you guys so much.


I'm sure people can find you.

Krisiey Salsa:

The best place to find me right now is probably on my Instagram page, which is Chrissy Salsa, so that's probably the easiest way and that will, in my bio, have a link to all the other ways to find me and get in touch with me. But that would be the best way and I just wanna thank you guys so much for having me on. I always love just chatting and being in your presence, so likewise.


Can I say something?


Yeah, anyone.


I definitely do.


What am I saying?


Okay, so I have seen all I've seen the versions of us evolve over the course of the last couple of decades right, Last couple of decades, and you guys have seen each other over a little bit longer than that and what I have seen over the last, say, six months is pretty gnarly. It's like whoa, Like.


I'm good.


Good, as in as in. As in, there is old versions of us that we allowed to let go, and because we were able to do that, we are now in the presence of new versions of ourselves. You know, between the two of us, between the two of you, between the three of us, it's like it's really cool to see. So, yeah, let's make sure that this is, this is more of a shared experience with as many people as possible.

Krisiey Salsa:

I've heard it said many times about Healy. It's like it is. It can connect to you, Cause when you're in the information field, you are being connected to your original blueprint of your highest and greatest self, of who you came here to be in this lifetime and all the ways that you can be supported.


Yep, okay, we're going to play a game and test this bad boy and figure out what it can and can't do.




And because when you get really excited about something, you're like, oh my gosh, this product's amazing. And then you're like, can you do this, can you do this? And so you're going to play.


What can Healy do for you? I mean, when it comes down to wanting something right, you want to know what it's actually going to do for you. So let's, let's demonstrate that.


Yeah, okay, so I'm opening the app and I'm going to scroll through and let's see. So I have a headache, so I'm going to, I don't, I don't really, just just in case you're worried, what if I had a headache.


Okay, you have a headache. What I'm going to do is I'm going to open the app. I'm going to put these electrodes on electrodes that have the little sticky tape on the back. If you've ever been to like a chiropractor or you've ever had to do like physical therapy, these are not different than that and I think they can be quite annoying when you had the chiropractor's office using them. But these feel different because they are using similar technology with the microcurrent, but they're also using other modalities of healing you. So when what I would do is I would put it onto your head. Let's see where's your headache. Is it in the front of your head?


Is it on your side. I got one of those good old fashioned tension headaches.


Okay, but where?


The back of my neck.


Back of your neck. Okay, so I'm going to put an electrode on each side and then we are going to charge your body for 20 minutes, essentially, okay, okay, and so that's how we would handle a headache. Give me another one.


All right, ooh, I got one. I cannot fall asleep, I have insomnia. What you going to do for me?


Okay, so there's two options. One thing I can do is I can scan your bio energetic field with the blue app, which scans and figures out like, hey, what's, what kind of sleep issue is he actually having? Is he having an issue with balance sleep? Is he having a? Is he actually having a nervous system issue? So I can scan your body and figure out what the core issue is.


You know what? What it sounds like. It sounds like I am that Healy is really empowering the family caregiver like, oh my god yeah, things that you can do for your family, or the coach, or the self-healing Advocate like.


Like you know, we have so many bio hacking things in our house like we are we.


We that's our crystal bowls and yeah crystal water and vibe plates and infrared yeah.


I mean color therapy. We got all the things right because we are extra like that. But I would say, like this replaces so many devices, because and I don't have anything like this I have nothing that works in the quantum field, other than, of course, like you know, I do like crystal therapies. I mean, you know, we can get like Really deep into some things, but, like you know, if you believe in Reiki energy, mm-hmm.


So it's like distant healing, hands-off healing, much different and what you're you're you're manipulating the energy field and, as somebody who practices Reiki, what I can say is that this charges my batteries to be able to practice better Reiki. Exactly so give me another ailment one more ailment. Okay, one more.


You ready? Yeah, I would like to open my third eye.


Okay, so what I would do is I would scan your chakras and I would figure out where you are having blocks so that you can get an alignment, so that your pineal gland is healthy.


But actually I can access your pineal gland through microcurrent frequency directly directly, like there is just a you know an option, like hey, I can go right in there and start activating, maybe decalcifying from all of that junk food, and but yeah, you can, you can heal really anything and we are just getting started on it. But that's what I would say. Playing this game with me. I'm not the expert yet, but I, I plan to be Got one last one.


You said one last one already.


You got one less one. What else one?


What about my dying house plants?


You're dying house plants. Well, I guess we would have to figure out why they're dying. What's crazy? And you can, you know, access this Facebook page when there's people using it for all types of things. People are charging their water. People are charging, you know, like hundred dollar bills, like you know you've heard from Chrissy. But like people are Are our chart could charge our house plant. You know, they could literally put the electrodes on the plant or they can make the plant a client. That is the way that you heal other people. So, like, what I'm using in my practice is like healing other people on the quantum level and also assessing and doing these scans, like oh, I can see where their subconscious block is because of this, and, of course, we'll have a discussion. Do you feel like this is true for you? You know how, how does this statement make you feel? Because it gives you, it literally gives you affirmations on like how to. It's not just saying here's the problem, it's like, oh, here's the solution.


Here's the thought.


Here's the thought will that is triggering this that you might not even be aware of, that is in your bio energetic field and, yeah, so if you're nerdy into into physics, into science, into Self-healing like this is just the best device ever. We have a link in our show notes. We will. You know, of course we are affiliates, full transparency. You have the option to just buy from us. You also, if you wanted to sell the healing, there is an option to be a part of a larger team With Chrissy and you know we just wanted to bring you something that we thought was life changing and we hope that you, if nothing else, enjoyed the show. But if you want to be on our team and if you want to Heal yourself and the love loved ones, you're maybe your clientele. Like, let's go honey.


Let's go on a let's go on a healing, healing journey. Yes.


And this is being released on Chrissy's birthday. What and so we just want to say a big shout out to Chrissy and happy birthday and we love you and Thank you for introducing us to something that is going to give all of us a lot of longevity in years to come. You know, having fun and playing together and I know how old Chrissy is.


She is timeless. Now that she has the healing, timeless honey.


You know, I'm saying we're gonna read a quick review and thank you, empowered posse, for leaving us reviews on Apple Podcasts and also leaving us ratings on Spotify. They actually really, really help. Yes, they do so. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and the tops of our hearts and the tops and the middles, everything in between. This comes from Joshua Lugo. 4968 Says I really enjoyed the show. Five stars. Thank you for all the insights I love to learn from you.


Josh, you are held, you are loved you are held, you are loved.


We love you so much and, yeah, let's just rock this out. As we do everything with our final thing, which is our question of the week. And the question of the week is If you could help one thing right now, what would it be?


and if you can find that one thing, that would also heal multiple things in your life.


Yeah, yeah, ideally, you know there there's this one, this one program that's called go to the roots. Like what? What if you went to the roots? What would you heal? What would you find?


Well, oh, my goodness.


Boy, the things that I have found, I'm like oh, like, whoa, I forgot I buried that there Exactly. All right, we love you, sending you the highest vibrations you are held you are loved. Thanks for being an important member of our empowered posse. What next level access the empowerment couple?


explore our private group coaching services to get hands on life changing experiences and sign up for one of our empowering courses designed to fast track your success, using the link in the show notes.


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Krisiey Salsa:

We love you.


Another ailment and you know what? Based on this, on this, I'm excited to see what your, your medicine cabinet looks like. You probably just opened up in just a healing device. Mom, I got acne issues. We got acne issues. What do you? Got to do.


You already told that joke with Chrissy.


Yes, but it's, it's still delicious.


Why are you repurposing jokes?


I always repurpose jokes, because some of them are that good.


But anyways.

People on this episode