The Empowerment Couple
Ready to supercharge your life with a symphony of laughter, wisdom, and transformative insights? Welcome to The Empowerment Couple Podcast, where entertainment meets empowerment, and education expands your world! Join Zuri and Mikey Star, your empowerment and expansion coaches, on a power-packed journey each week. Laughter and wisdom collide in a perfect blend, creating a space for the empowered posse to play. Dive deep into personal development, relationships, spirituality, career strategies, and other crucial topics that will inform and allow you to co-create your most beautiful life. Featuring top guest experts, every episode is crafted with your empowerment in mind. Subscribe now and let The Empowerment Couple Podcast be your soundtrack to happiness, transmuting your worries and filling you with an abundance mindset.
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The Empowerment Couple
Marriage Mortgages and Relationship Realities: A Playful Dive into Empowered Relationships
Ever compared your marriage to a mortgage? We did, and it turns out there's more similarity there than you might think. Kick off this episode with us as we groove into our discussion, sharing pre-recording dance moves that set the tone for a lively and engaging conversation. We dive into the concept of a "marriage mortgage," inviting you to see relationships as valuable investments. Like a home, relationships require maintenance and appreciation, and we're here to shift your mindset from seeing them as burdens to assets. With a healthy dose of humor and banter, we remind you to enjoy the equity you build with love and trust.
• Marriage as an investment rather than a burden
• Importance of enjoying the relationship journey
• Self-love as a prerequisite for a healthy partnership
• Engaging game segment exploring relationship experiences
• Mutual growth and shared journeys among couples
• Practical tips for adding equity in relationships
• Encouragement for couples to communicate and celebrate love
• Community-building through shared experiences and insights
Our playful "Never Have I Ever" game takes you through memorable dating escapades, from high school heartbreaks to fake phone numbers inspired by classic tunes. We share candid stories about the awkwardness of forgotten names and the nuances of dating across age gaps. Laughter and honesty guide the way as we explore the importance of boundaries, honesty, and shared memories.
Join us for a light-hearted yet insightful journey through the highs and lows of empowered relationships—and remember, keep those kisses genuine and non-stingy!
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Looking for Expansion Coaching? Apply to work with Mike here.
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So Mike and I always dance before we get on the mic.
Speaker 2:Hints is why we are a little bit out of breath.
Speaker 1:Because usually because we're laughing and we just had a realization like I feel like monumental realization that we should share with everyone is that I'm always like man. Mike looks like he was taught how to dance by like a 1970s pimp. Then he's like well, I was taught by Soul Train.
Speaker 2:Man, soul Train like Soul Train, like they floated across that dance floor. That's how I boogie honey Right? That's why I turn heads. Oh my yeah, Chin hands are right, my dance steps bring Zuri to the yard. You know what I'm saying? Ching, ching, ching.
Speaker 1:Welcome to the Empowerment Couple Podcast, where your path to self-mastery expands.
Speaker 2:My co-host is Empowerment Coach Zuri Starr.
Speaker 1:And he's Expansion Coach Mikey Starr.
Speaker 2:Together, we are the Empowerment Couple.
Speaker 1:And he's expansion coach, mikey Starr. Together, we are the Empowerment Couple. Our mission is simple to serve you love, so you can make informed decisions to regain and maintain your personal power.
Speaker 2:We'll take you on a journey to a life filled with purpose, passion and limitless possibilities, while sharing stories of transformation, wellness hacks and healthy habits backed by science and ancient wisdom.
Speaker 1:Plus, we'll keep you entertained with engaging games, banter and funny innuendos along the way. Each episode is an exciting blend of education, entertainment and empowerment designed to help you create a mindset to be a magnet for more love, happiness and abundance.
Speaker 2:Together with our special guests. We are dedicated to sharing information that empowers you to create your most beautiful life. A onesie, a twosie, a threesie your most beautiful life. I got nothing. I got nothing. You're supposed to say something I forgot so how are you doing today? I'm rich.
Speaker 1:I am abundant. Oh hi, abundant, it's nice to meet you. Yeah, nice to meet you too, so we're going to talk about mortgage today.
Speaker 2:What type of mortgage?
Speaker 1:A marriage mortgage.
Speaker 2:Oh, I like that concept, I like that concept.
Speaker 1:So, basically, when you invest a lot of time, money, focus into something like a relationship, why are you making these faces? And when you do that like, it's kind of like a mortgage, it is like a mortgage. And so a lot of times I think in a relationship you don't focus on it being like something of value, because, like you could take it for granted, you know, and you can look at it as like maybe a burden which sometimes people do look at their mortgage as like a burden, but if you choose to, you can look at it as like an asset and like a wonderful thing to be celebrated.
Speaker 2:We had come across that meme where the woman was talking about, you know, actually sitting back and enjoying her mortgage, and of course, she was talking about her house and we like the concept right. She was sitting back in her chair and she's like you know what, I don't need to go out, I don't need to do all these things, I'm actually going to sit and enjoy all the hard work.
Speaker 1:There's a trend about enjoying your mortgage. Right now especially, some people purchase homes and like the last five years and like they have the highest interest rates ever. Or some people are like really dealing with like layoffs or inflation or whatever you know. Let me just enjoy my mortgage because like that's something that oftentimes people are looking for, like the next thing to be excited about. And if you do own a home, you know like you put so much time, love and tenderness into your house. Whether it's like fixing you know a broken toilet, or you know a loose door handle, or like whatever the thing is, you're always fixing something Correct, like you are the landlord.
Speaker 2:And you are also the landlord of your marriage right.
Speaker 1:Right and it's a big commitment. It is. It is a big commitment. It is expensive to get into it and it's expensive to get out of it, just like a mortgage.
Speaker 2:Just like a mortgage.
Speaker 1:Right and if. But if you do it right, like you build a lot of equity, and if you do it right, like you get to really enjoy it. And if you have the right mindset shift about what a marriage really is like, it's a gift, correct and it's a privilege.
Speaker 2:It is a privilege and it is something that not everyone has. And even if you do have a marriage, it may not be a type of marriage that you have cultivated enough to actually reap the rewards right.
Speaker 1:That's where the equity comes in Say reap the rewards five more times.
Speaker 2:Reap the rewards five more times.
Speaker 1:We do awards.
Speaker 2:We do awards, regardless of my pronunciation of reap the rewards you still have to reap the rewards of your marriage in order for you to actually enjoy it Absolutely.
Speaker 1:I just had to make fun of that because you know that's what we do.
Speaker 2:Well, that's the equity that you have incurred. We have built up some banter equity here, okay.
Speaker 1:Like I get to talk some shit because you know I got your back and you know I love you and you know like you can trust in me and I'm not going to do you dirty, and so you know like it's okay to talk a little shit.
Speaker 2:That's I will receive. I will receive a little bit of the shit when it starts to pile on. That's when it's. That's when I feel like I may have a squatter. Well, mikey and I have been kissing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I like the squatter. I just knew the dad joke was coming so I was like let me jump on top of that. No, so Mikey and I have been kissing more since you know. So who's still doing the kissing challenge with us? That's something to find out about Right Power Posse, you guys still kissing.
Speaker 2:Our lips are busy.
Speaker 1:And we're busy, we're not giving no stingy kisses.
Speaker 2:Only one per day we're doing.
Speaker 1:I'd say we're like our average. I'm saying we're like at five or six now, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, most.
Speaker 2:definitely.
Speaker 1:Like you know, if we were to average the days since the last time that we talked about this, I would say we're like at a solid six.
Speaker 2:We're not beating Italy yet. No, in this household, more kisses are being had by all.
Speaker 1:Yes, but also I feel like on the days where we are like intimate, intimate, like all of that kissing averages it out for the days that you are too stingy to kiss me.
Speaker 2:I was like where's the bullshit? Here it comes.
Speaker 1:Anyway, go back to last week's episode and you can listen more about what we're talking about, which is kissing medicine and the importance of kissing. Next week, we're going to be talking about oral health with a very special guest and more about connection and habits and how to enjoy all the benefits of having a healthy microbiome.
Speaker 2:That is quick? No, go ahead. I'm pointing at you, you're pointing at me Go ahead.
Speaker 1:Today we are going to talk about empowered relationships and build on this marriage mortgage and talk some about what we have been doing with empowering relationships and helping some of our clients get into healthier places by just switching the perspective a little bit.
Speaker 2:Exactly Sharing information that shouldn't be coveted. It's like getting the blueprints of your partnership right. I want to know more about you, you want to know more about me, and in order for us to do that, we have to know more about each other and more about ourselves. That's what the empowered relationships is all about.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think, just like expansion, if you're an expansion coach, which you are you're going to want me to expand and I'm going to want you to expand and like, sometimes I think in relationships we want the other person to stay the same. There's like, often, that like you've changed, and it's like, of course, like you hope that people change, like you don't want your high school friends, let's say, to be the same exact person they were in high school. No, this is why people kind of grow together, or they grow apart.
Speaker 1:You are growing. You're either growing or dying, whether that's business or in life.
Speaker 2:You're growing, whether you want to or not. If you control the growth, that's when you get enjoyment. That's the expansion process.
Speaker 1:When you say yes to the growth, exactly that's when you get enjoyment. That's the expansion process. When you say yes to the growth, exactly that's what I would say.
Speaker 2:Yeah, kind of ride the wave. But going back to enjoying your marital bliss and your marital mortgage, part of that is actually loving on yourself so that you bring a better portion or a better version of yourself to the relationship.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so like of course, we have said many times and you've if you've listened to, like our self-love podcasts, you have heard us talk about the importance of self-love and loving on yourself in a holistic way and like different, you know ways you can do that with self, self care and you know self worth and and all kinds of things right, Understanding your purpose and walking your, walking in your purpose, doing purpose work. So, I think, bringing this back to an actual marriage and actual romantic relationship, since it's February, the month of love, Kisses.
Speaker 1:And uh, kisses, kiss, love Kisses.
Speaker 2:And kisses, kisses, kisses, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Just a verbal kiss, yeah, a month of love. And then you just say kisses, yeah, yeah, kiss Tourette's.
Speaker 2:I'm just giving you air kisses. Let them be receipts that you have received them.
Speaker 1:Okay, just random Kisses, kiss Tourette's.
Speaker 2:Is that a bad thing, though?
Speaker 1:I don't think it's a bad thing. Hugs.
Speaker 2:It's not as good as kisses, but hugs works.
Speaker 1:High fives and hugs.
Speaker 2:I won't say the other ones are coming to my mind, because it's a good show so far. Bring it back. Bring it back. It's a good show so far.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about empowered relationships.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:First I want to play a quick game with you, actually.
Speaker 2:I'm all for games.
Speaker 1:Let's play a quick empowered relationship game called Never have I ever oh you're going to get me on this one again.
Speaker 2:I knew there was something devious. You walked in here and was like what's the game? You're like, oh, just wait, I'm like okay.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to tell you the game. That's part of the game. We're playing games.
Speaker 2:I hate this one. Go ahead.
Speaker 1:This one's so fun. Okay, you don't like. Never have I Ever I've played this enough. Just kidding, you know. Don't feel bad for Mike. Mike likes when I'm feisty To a point To a point. There is a point.
Speaker 2:Being burnt is different from being charred. Just keep that in mind. Okay go, I don't give that analogy Kisses.
Speaker 1:Never have I ever empowered relationship version. This is only about relationships. Okay only about relationships, so like dating, from dating all the way up to marriage.
Speaker 2:Okay, what All relationships?
Speaker 1:Just relationships Yep period.
Speaker 2:Oh, you're trying to trap me. Okay, let's do this.
Speaker 1:Okay, never have I ever been on a disastrous date.
Speaker 2:I have been on a disastrous date. It was disastrous. I'm looking at you like, wait, it was with you. Wait what?
Speaker 1:Yes, you remember our first date, the one where I hid in the bushes.
Speaker 2:Yes, that date. Oh my God, I knew you were going to go some cutthroat.
Speaker 1:I didn't even think about that. Honestly, I was thinking you were going to tell me something from like BZ, like before Zuri, I didn't think you were going to go for one of ours.
Speaker 2:No, that was my most disastrous date. Aw yeah, I popped your date, cherry. That was the only date that I've ever been on where, after the date, I wrote an apology note.
Speaker 1:All right, I guess if you're going to bring that up, you got to mention like a little bit of it. Give me the short version.
Speaker 2:Short version. I had a friend who I had been friends with for over five years, who happened to be a female, who happened to live in the same A friends with benefits no.
Speaker 1:Let's be honest.
Speaker 2:Happened to live in the same city as we met in. Let's be honest, happened to live in the same city as we met in. I took you out on a date and we were having a good time Bumped into her. She thought she was going to be with us on this date and didn't take no for an answer and you bolted I was like I'm out of here. And I cut things off with her and I did an apology note and bada boom, bada bang.
Speaker 1:We're the empowerment couple.
Speaker 2:Wait a minute Next.
Speaker 1:Next, you skipped some things and that's interesting how you remembered it, but I'm going to just let that one go.
Speaker 2:Hey, the devil is in the details. Let's not summon the devil. We're not summoning the devil Summon summon, summon summon Nope no Satan.
Speaker 1:Okay, so never have I ever and I would say probably now that you've said it that was my most disastrous. So I'm going to answer too.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Okay, so it's fair.
Speaker 2:Got it, so we're even Stephen All right.
Speaker 1:Okay, that was pretty disastrous.
Speaker 2:That was bad.
Speaker 1:You never want to be hit on by the girl that your date has already dabbled with.
Speaker 2:It didn't work out.
Speaker 1:I was like, boy, this is not going to be a threesome. No, no, thank you. No, okay, that was pretty disastrous. Okay, never have I ever been in a relationship with someone who was too clingy.
Speaker 2:Too clingy.
Speaker 1:I have. I had a stage five clinger.
Speaker 2:No, I didn't. I never had a clinger.
Speaker 1:Never have. Oh really, yeah, wow, okay, impressive. Never have I ever danced in the rain with a partner. Never have I ever danced in the rain with a partner, never have.
Speaker 2:I ever danced in a rain with a partner I have? I have too. Yes, and it's with you. Yeah, during our wedding night.
Speaker 1:Yes, okay, never have I ever kissed under mistletoe.
Speaker 2:I have.
Speaker 1:Have Never, have I ever. That's all PG.
Speaker 2:I was all. I had my defenses up.
Speaker 1:I know this is Disney. It's going to be a mixed bag here, baby. Okay, never have I ever re-gifted a gift from a partner to a different partner.
Speaker 2:Never.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:That's some shady shit right there. See, I told you it went Disney and then it went dirty real quick. Never have I ever lied about being single.
Speaker 2:Lied about being single.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Oh really.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Meaning you told somebody that you were single when you were dating somebody. Come on, come now tips. You didn't do that. No, okay, I haven't, but I figured you had.
Speaker 2:Oh wait, no, no, hold on now. You just messed up. You looked at me as if. Wait a minute. Both of us did that, didn't we no?
Speaker 1:I plead the fifth. Okay. Never have I ever gone on a date without brushing my teeth.
Speaker 2:I think I might have once or twice.
Speaker 1:Ooh, that checks.
Speaker 2:Like you know, meeting someone right after work or something yeah.
Speaker 1:Ew, okay, well, I'd.
Speaker 2:And it was with you Ew.
Speaker 1:Yes, that checks out. Yeah, you need to brush them teeth with you. Ew, yes, that checks out. Yeah, you need to brush them teeths. No, okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but you also worked at a restaurant, so I was going there to eat.
Speaker 1:Okay, never, have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
Speaker 2:I have Kisses.
Speaker 1:Kisses, what the hell, hell. So that was first time you saw me yeah, or our first time that we met.
Speaker 2:That was the first time I saw you no, the first time you saw me first time I saw you, I was.
Speaker 1:I was captivated before we actually met correct like a couple weeks or something before we met correct.
Speaker 2:Okay, glass of wine interesting hair up yeah blue top on. Yeah, I remember all that.
Speaker 1:Well, that the blue top is the night. That's the night that I was. I met you.
Speaker 2:Yes, but you also had a blue top on the night I saw you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I wore blue tops a lot. It's kind of my thing, okay, never.
Speaker 2:Oh, is that the color of your eyes?
Speaker 1:High Eyes Highlights the shade of your hair. Yeah, we all know that let's go. Never have I ever been serenaded by my partner.
Speaker 2:You pretty much serenade me all the time. I wouldn't say serenaded, right, because I'm more of a singer, you know it's more of a performance.
Speaker 1:You have serenaded me and I have serenaded you, so we're gonna say yes, I remember singing for you the first time. Yeah, yeah and I serenade you, let me be the singer. My friend, you're good. Oh my God Curses.
Speaker 2:Okay, let's go Never have I ever been called a pet name?
Speaker 1:by a partner. I've been called a pet name.
Speaker 2:Yeah, of course that one's kind of dumb. Come on, this is like below Disney Okay never, have I ever gone on a date just to make someone else jealous?
Speaker 1:No, I haven't done that either. I mean, it's pretty vanilla, my dating. My dating has been a little vanilla. Now that I think about it, never have I gone out on a date without wearing underwear.
Speaker 2:I always have underwear on. It's hard for me not to have it.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, women we sometimes don't. So I'm definitely guilty of that one. Never have I ever snooped through a partner's email or text messages. Oh, you've done that for me and I've done that for you. So, yeah, it's a service for you. It's a service Pretty much.
Speaker 2:It's a service. It's a cleaning service.
Speaker 1:Let me clean you up real quick. That's hilarious.
Speaker 2:Detect and deter Detect and deter.
Speaker 1:You're just deleting fools, or what?
Speaker 2:I'm going to pick up your phone and hold on.
Speaker 1:Got to save me from the AI boyfriends right. Mm-hmm. Never have I ever.
Speaker 2:You and your clinger.
Speaker 1:Yeah, never have I ever had a crush on a teacher while in school?
Speaker 2:I have yeah, yeah, pretty much I think.
Speaker 1:I think that's part of being a kid right yeah, most certainly I see I didn't really have a crush on a teacher, but I had a teacher that I liked a lot and then I found out he was like crushing on girls, like after I graduated, that's yeah so yuck, because I was like this can only go one way.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:You don't go the other way. Yeah well, these are relationships. So Okay. Never have I ever used a cheesy pickup line.
Speaker 2:Oh, I've used some cheesy pickup lines.
Speaker 1:I have not. I definitely have not. I've received quite a few.
Speaker 2:You want to hear my favorite?
Speaker 1:Sure Do I Do. I want to hear my favorite. Sure Do I Do. I want to hear your favorite.
Speaker 2:Do you have a mirror in your pocket, because I can see myself in your pants.
Speaker 1:See it would have worked. Is this dad joke version of a pickup line? Because that was horrible. Like I can't see that working on with like anyone.
Speaker 2:Here's my favorite.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:You want to have sex and get some pizza or what that would work.
Speaker 1:You don't like pizza, that would work. I'd be like, yes, those both sound lovely. What kind of pizza?
Speaker 2:Pepperoni. That extra forfeiture. Okay, keep going, let's go Jesus.
Speaker 1:Okay, never have I regretted saying I love you to someone.
Speaker 2:Never.
Speaker 1:Yeah, same. Everyone who received it needed it yep, never have I ever been set up by friends never, never have I ever been um set up by friends. No, no, I mean. The truth is it's just a string of monogamy.
Speaker 2:I'm the same. I'm a serial monogamist, it's like there's always somebody on deck.
Speaker 1:I was like, what's up, who's next?
Speaker 2:I think after the year, after 18, I think I was single for like maybe collectively a month.
Speaker 1:Okay, but to be fair, I did get pushed into meeting you, so our origin story is one of our episodes. You can go back and listen to that, but I did get pushed into that, so technically I guess.
Speaker 2:Best money ever spent.
Speaker 1:Best money ever spent.
Speaker 2:Best money ever spent.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay, um. Never have I ever dated someone more than 10 years older or younger.
Speaker 2:Never.
Speaker 1:I have.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, older, Not younger, I mean not yet, Like you know, we'll see how you play your cards. I might be this, like you know, old lady cougar just dipping down. We'll see.
Speaker 2:Well, my metabolic age is getting younger and younger, so maybe Shut up.
Speaker 1:Black don't crack, so it's more likely that it would be you. Never have I ever been dumped via text.
Speaker 2:Never.
Speaker 1:I've never been dumped. Have you ever been dumped? Not really, I mean kind of have you ever been dumped? Not really I mean kind of.
Speaker 2:But it wasn't like I'm breaking up with you, it's just like, yeah, we were not, yeah, a little high school thing, but I've never been dumped.
Speaker 1:Dumped Like that means like somebody broke up with you. It's yes or no.
Speaker 2:Not really, she moved away.
Speaker 1:Not really. She moved away, you don't want to keep it long distance. No, not in high school.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Let's do two more, okay. Never have I ever forgotten the name of a date. Never, never, have I ever called out someone's name while having sex Like the wrong person's name.
Speaker 2:Before you. I feel like I have a memory of doing that once before.
Speaker 1:Is it a memory or did you see something on TV?
Speaker 2:No, I think it's a memory, but it was back in the drinking days, so everything's kind of swishy back there Swishy. Swishy A little slosh slosh.
Speaker 1:Okay, last one Never have I ever given out a fake phone number.
Speaker 2:I have.
Speaker 1:You have. Who do they call Domino's or something?
Speaker 2:No 8-6-7-5.
Speaker 1:I have 309.
Speaker 2:8-6-7-5-309.
Speaker 1:If you're going to do, that joke, you have to actually do the right number 8-6-7-5-309. If you're going to do that joke, you have to actually do the right number 865-309.
Speaker 2:That was right. I'm glad you said that. Keep it in the show, because I'm going to watch the show and listen. Oh, I was right. It's on air.
Speaker 1:Oh, my God.
Speaker 2:Yes, that's the number I gave. That's the number you gave Mm-hmm. Yes, that's the number I gave. That's the number you gave, mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:Now that's like did they get it?
Speaker 2:No, they didn't get it, which is why it didn't work out. Had they got it and laughed, they probably would have called me back, because you know I'm a good guy.
Speaker 1:You'd answer to that phone.
Speaker 2:If somebody calls 867-5309, you'd answer no, I would have given them my real number Like oh my God, that is so much funnier, like okay it was a test.
Speaker 1:You passed the test For the youngins, this is a song, okay, just put it in Spotify. 867-5309, okay, 80s.
Speaker 2:You're welcome.
Speaker 1:Loving it. I think we're good. That was a good game. Yeah, it was good. I kept it PG for some of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, for most of it yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean, well, what do you have you want me to be like? Oh never have I ever hooked up with my best friend Like lover or like what do you want me to do? You want me to do dirty ones.
Speaker 2:Have you done that? No no, oh, my goodness you. The look on your face makes me think that you have I looked at you like no fool. Was this a confession?
Speaker 1:this is a jerry springer confession I brought you here to tell you I'm honored I'm in love with your best friend. No, no, have you seen your friends?
Speaker 2:Boy, bye Be nice.
Speaker 1:Oh no, they're nice, be nice and like not interested.
Speaker 2:Okay At all, I won't say anything, I'm just going to not respond to that one.
Speaker 1:Well, have you ever?
Speaker 2:Have I ever what?
Speaker 1:The question. The question not the confession. The question was have you ever hooked up with one of your best friend's lovers?
Speaker 2:No, I don't do that. I have had opportunities. Oh, I bet you have. No, I don't do that.
Speaker 1:Imagine your friends would be like.
Speaker 2:Well, like in high school, everyone's incestuous, like, oh, I was dating you and now I'm dating you, but when I had the opportunity to date one of my friend's ex-girlfriends, that's a negative, but I do have a friend who dated all of my friend's ex-girlfriends so he did the work for me. So no guy code.
Speaker 1:No guy code for that one, but you like the guy code. So, girl code, guy code, you like that, like don't, yeah, you don't sleep with your friends, blah blah blah. That is correct. Yeah, I I'm not down for the like sloppy second kind of thing, like no, no. There's like if they said no, or even if they said yes, it's like yes, no, not for me. I want, I want my own Thanks. There's a lot of people in the world.
Speaker 2:I don't want to have conversations about you know my girlfriend and have my friend be like.
Speaker 1:oh yeah, me too. Like what? Oh your mother?
Speaker 2:Had she done this to you, I'm like shut up. No, I never, ever want to put myself in that situation.
Speaker 1:That's so awful.
Speaker 2:I know, tell me about it.
Speaker 1:Okay, so our marriage mortgage exists because we haven't done some of these. Never have I ever. Okay, so let's get back into our show.
Speaker 2:Part of the playing games is the building of the equity right. We're keeping things fun and I feel like getting back to the topic. As you build equity in your marriage or your relationship, you have to take time and enjoy it right. If you're not enjoying it, it's just another thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. It's like you bought a boat but then you don't use the boat, correct. Or you got a gym membership and you don't use the gym. It's like don't buy something unless you're going to fully enjoy it, and we become like a culture that just buys, buys, buys and consumes, consumes, consumes. And even in relationships it's like a marriage. You really invest in that. Essentially, it's a business deal.
Speaker 2:Hey, look at my marriage. I haven't even opened it out of the package. What you haven't done anything. No, I don't want to fuck it up.
Speaker 1:So, getting back to empowered relationships, we really recommend you, of course, start with self-love and work on yourself, like work on the wounded parts of yourself, and then start looking for someone. You know, like you know, try not to carry too much baggage into the process because, so wounded Like you don't want to enter a relationship. It's just harder, like if the person hasn't done any enter a relationship. It's just harder, like if if the person hasn't done any self-work, it's harder, it makes for a harder marriage, a more complex mortgage.
Speaker 1:You get a fixer upper.
Speaker 2:You get multiple properties in the back that need to get renovated and how do we know this?
Speaker 1:is that Mike and I carried in a whole bunch of you know, wounds and baggage Correct, and that's not to say it can't work. I'm just saying it's a lot more work.
Speaker 2:So, like, if you can do the work prior, you know, like However, if you find a partner who is willing also to uncover their baggage, deal with their wounds whilst you do yours, that is equity, that is a beautiful form of equity.
Speaker 1:So if they're willing to help you, Willing. Huh.
Speaker 2:Is it willing?
Speaker 1:If they're willing.
Speaker 2:There we go, kisses.
Speaker 1:If they're willing to help you fix up your marriage mortgage. Like if they're willing to deal with the fixer-upper.
Speaker 2:Well, either that or you guys are both in that fixer-upper status.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Like you, both have a couple of used cars in the backyard that you need to get cleared out, right. And I feel like if you find someone who's willing to also grow with you, that is a positive, because you also become each other's accountability partner.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Right, not just in you know you're going to be my accountability partner but just in action. If you see your partner coming up, you're going to want to come up. Yep Right.
Speaker 1:And one of the things that Mike and I started doing in this past year. Part of the evolution of our business is we've started working with couples and we've started helping couples by way of just people kind of thinking that our podcast was about like just relationships because of the name the Empowerment Couple so they think, oh, we're you know, giving like relationship advice which, if you are part of our Empowered Posse, we kind of go all over the place and empower you on all 12 areas of your life. That's our jam right. But because people believe this, we found ourselves getting requests to work with people and to help them transition and find harmony. So we do harmonization programs, we do VIP, like days with people, and we now have that as part of our coaching business together and it's been really amazing.
Speaker 2:I feel like the person that you have become within this marriage is I wouldn't have imagined when we had first met, and the person who I became within this marriage I wouldn't have imagined when we first met. So like. It's almost as if our issues unlocked each other's potential.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you have to really make sure that when you find someone that they're on like the same type of journey that you want to be on Because Earth is like a school Do they want to? What do they really want to do with their ride? What do they really want to do with this? And if you find somebody who wants to be on the same type of journey, like. I knew Mike wanted to be on an expansive road.
Speaker 2:I like the high road.
Speaker 1:He knew I wanted to be on an expansive road and so that became easy, because then you can, you know you will inspire each other and you don't have to hold each other accountable. But it does help to have a coach, and that's what we found with our relationship set. You know we are helping, we are helping empower our empowered relationship clients. We are helping them get to a place of harmony and also a place of power, like personal power but then unified power like a unified front.
Speaker 2:And speaking of that unified front, that old saying two heads are better than one, and speaking of that unified front, that old saying two heads are better than one, that suddenly comes into play. That means every business decision, every decision you make. You have a second brain that you can connect with, who is on the same level, who's always there to lift you up.
Speaker 1:A co-pilot.
Speaker 2:A co-pilot.
Speaker 1:And this is why it's so important I have found when we work together with other couples, we are bringing both the masculine and the feminine and also like the experience of like what it's actually like being in a unified front relationship, because often what we have seen and what we experience with our clients that are couples is that they are competing, they are fighting against each other, they are power struggling and they are holding a lot of resentments and there's these patterns that you can see that are causing them a lot of unnecessary suffering and they're no longer enjoying their marriage mortgage. They're paying for it every day but they're not enjoying it, and if you're going to invest in something, it better be something that's going to bring you a shit ton of joy.
Speaker 2:A shit ton of joy and actually money too, Because when you have a united front, you're making money.
Speaker 1:For sure.
Speaker 2:So true, for sure, For sure we could for sure, for sure, we can't be making the squilla.
Speaker 1:Pimp spins, pimp spins, except for you're not dealing women, you're dealing love.
Speaker 2:That is correct. That is correct. I'm good with this, always serving love.
Speaker 1:Always serving love. Always serving love. Well, that wraps it up for us today. We hope you enjoyed listening to our marriage mortgage discussion and we hope it inspires you to love on your significant other.
Speaker 2:Question of the week is easy what practices do you do on a regular basis to add equity in your marriage? Once again what practices do you do regularly to add equity to your marriage? Once again, what practices do you do regularly to add equity to your marriage?
Speaker 1:I'm like thinking, I'm like oh shit, this is a pop quiz, are you asking me?
Speaker 2:I'm asking you.
Speaker 1:So I do lots of things, yep, yep, do lots of things, yep, yep.
Speaker 2:Lots of big things, Really big grand things.
Speaker 1:Let me go to my grand scroll.
Speaker 2:Let me help you.
Speaker 1:I do lots of things Like I validate you, I compliment you, I touch you if I'm walking by Correct. I give you a lot of time, so quality time I give you. I believe in you, so I push you, you know, push you into your calling, which sometimes your calling is calling you and I'm like do it. Do it, no, I empower you and I'm like, do it. Do it. No, I empower you. Vote for Pedro.
Speaker 2:No, it's spam, it's spam.
Speaker 1:So I empower you and I would say that I keep you laughing, even if sometimes you're the butt of the jokes.
Speaker 2:Me yeah, yeah, I'm often the butt of the jokes. Me yeah, yeah, I'm often the butt of the jokes, but that's because of essence of humor, it's okay.
Speaker 1:Sending you the highest vibrations.
Speaker 2:You are held.
Speaker 1:You are loved.
Speaker 2:Yeah, same For me. Making sure you had a fruit salad the other night Chopped you up a little bit of fruit salad.
Speaker 1:Oh you're going to name specifics.
Speaker 2:No, I'm just saying I went for the overarching.
Speaker 2:Okay, overarching, I make sure that I give you little treats, little tasty treats, because you like tasty treats right that are also healthy. You like healthy tasty treats, right, so I give you healthy, tasty treats. I give you lots of touches foot massages, belly massages, face massages. I dance with you and I give you kisses, just like the one I just gave you air kisses, and real ones. I also have a very long laundry list. If I could, I could pull it out so you got just kidding.